Tuesday, October 9, 2012


Tue 9 Oct 2012 | 11:30 GMT

Egypt eyes IMF deal in weeks to shore up economy 11:21 GMT

CAIRO (Reuters) - Egypt hopes to agree a $4.8 billion IMF loan within two weeks of talks set for the end of October, ministers said on Tuesday, after long delays caused by political turmoil in the Arab world's biggest nation.  Full Article

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Egypt's President Mohamed Mursi meets Iran's Foreign Minister Ali Akbar Salehi (not pictured) at the presidential palace in Cairo September 18, 2012.  REUTERS/Amr Abdallah Dalsh
Egypt's Mursi dogged by own promises in first 100 days
Egyptian President Mohamed Mursi has won grudging respect from detractors in his first 100 days by sending the army back to barracks faster than anyone expected and raising Egypt's international profile in several newsmaking visits abroad.
  Full Article 
Symbol Last Net Change
GOLD TOCOM JPY  4,487.00 JPY  -45.00
SILVER TOCOM JPY  85.70 JPY  -2.50
PLATINUM TOCOM JPY  4,306.00 JPY  -56.00
PALLADIUM TOCOM JPY  1,673.00 JPY  -13.00
Symbol Last Net Change
Brent Crude Oil ICE USD  112.42 USD  0.60
Gas Oil ICE USD  982.75 USD  0.75
Crude Oil Light Sweet USD  89.69 USD  0.36
Gas, Natural NYMEX USD  3.39 USD  -0.01
Symbol Last Net Change
Coffee C ICE FUT US USD  168.90 USD  -0.20
Cocoa ICE FUT US USD  2,396.00 USD  15.00
Sugar World No.11 ICE FUT US USD  21.52 USD  0.10
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